If you are currently seeking help during a disaster or need to report a disaster that has already occurred or is still developing, contact us immediately on 916-939-9474.
OR for after hours, weekends or holidays please call
If you are not faced with an urgent situation also email us at [email protected]
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4288
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
P: (916) 939-9474
F: (916) 939-9479
E: [email protected]
All that remains (2007)
The Angora fire started at 2:14 p.m. on June 24, 2007, burned 3,100 acres, destroyed 254 homes, damaged dozens of structures and displaced 3,500 residents. The total cost of fighting the fire was $11.3 million with estimated property loss at $160 million. An illegal campfire was determined to be the cause.
Noah's Wish received a call to respond at 5:00pm on June 24th. Within 6 hours, the first response team arrived ready to setup a temporary shelter. The shelter was operational for 8 days and managed the care of 139 animals.
Twenty-three trained volunteers manned the shelter, some traveling from as far way as Orange County, California. A number of local residents volunteered their time to help clean cages and walk dogs.
The ground is covered in ash - not snow (2007)
Firefighters are standing in ash (2007)
Not much to return to! (2007)