If you are currently seeking help during a disaster or need to report a disaster that has already occurred or is still developing, contact us immediately on 916-939-9474.
OR for after hours, weekends or holidays please call
If you are not faced with an urgent situation also email us at [email protected]
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4288
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
P: (916) 939-9474
F: (916) 939-9479
E: [email protected]
Noah's Wish is an advocate of community service and devotes a great deal of time and effort to educating the public on disaster preparedness. The organization frequently participates in Disaster Preparedness Fairs, Disaster Drills and other outreach events aimed at providing vital information about what to do should disaster strike and steps that may be taken in advance to be prepared.
Fire training class in Illinois takes an unusual turn!
Region 3 Coordinators, Alex Reynolds, Roger Smith, Amy Maher and Tammy Hann-Harlan attended Incident Safety Officer training in Edwardsville Illinois October 6th and had quite a surprise.
The event was sponsored by the NFA/ Illinois Fire Service Institute. Alex and Tammy arrived a little early for the class. They had just settled in to wait, when a man came out of the building and said, "Call 911 and tell them we have a fire here and need assistance! There's a fire in the ceiling and flames are shooting out". The trainees looked at each other and said this has got to be either a joke or a test and we just flunked! BUT the Fire Marshall came; the firemen put on their gear and went inside to put the fire out! This was not joke! The fire was put out and class was called to order.
Now, how about that for training? What could be more appropriate for the class than an actual fire! Hard to believe, but they have certificates to prove it!!
An equipment fire created a great opening for the class
September was Disaster Preparedness month.
Following are some of the events, in which Noah's Wish has participated.
September 30, 2007 Follow up story
How Being Prepared Paid Off
The pet first aid kit that had been assembled for display at our booth actually came in handy at our event!
Volunteer Cheryl Maibusch was talking to a couple of people at the booth that were looking at the pet first aid kit. She noticed their young dog, which appeared to be a border collie/spaniel mix, had a minor flesh wound on the inside of one of its back legs. When asked about it, the owners didn't know what had happened; they had just noticed the dog licking it. Cheryl offered to treat it with items from the pet first aid kit and they gratefully accepted. Noah's Wish volunteer, Stacey Rago, who is a vet assistant, went over to help at this point and instructed the owners on how to properly restrain the dog. Cheryl put some hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball and cleaned the area and then applied the topical antibiotic, Neosporin. The owners were told that this was only a temporary medical solution and that they should take the dog to a vet. However, until they were able to do that, they were told they could put Neosporin on the wound a few times a day and try to keep the dog from licking it and to watch for any signs of an infection. The owners were very grateful for our help and said something along the line of “This is why everyone should have a pet first aid kit together, I guess!”
Article submitted by Noah's Wish volunteer, Gail Monick in Illinois, Region 3
Three volunteers (all disaster trained, two with Noah's Wish) in Illinois attended a local Humane Society dog walkathon event on September 30th and staffed a booth to hand out Noah's Wish information during Disaster Preparedness month. This was the third year Noah's Wish had been invited and participated in the annual event.
The beautiful fall weather inspired people to turn out and lead to record attendance this year. Attendees were given general information brochures about Noah's Wish, handouts on disaster preparedness planning for animals and sheets of information on things they could do to help Noah's Wish during a disaster and during non-disaster times. Numerous display boards and binders showing pictures from Hurricane Katrina and the recent fires Noah's Wish responded to in California and Montana were of great interest to everyone. Examples of what should be included in both a cat or dog disaster kit and a pet first aid kit were on display. Supply checklists were provided, which listed those items that should be included, to help those building their own kits at home.
Requests for Noah's Wish to provide disaster preparedness information and guidance in the community, or within other organizations, were made and will be followed up on in the near future.
Noah's Wish volunteers, Gail Monick and Stacey Rago, along with trained disaster volunteer, Cheryl Maibusch, staffed the booth.
Cheryl Maibusch, Gail Monick and Stacey Rago
September 15, 2007,Danville California
Second annual Disaster Preparedness Fair in Danville, California. This event is attended by over 3,000 bay area residents and is becoming one of the most popular events for showcasing new and innovative disaster preparedness equipment and supplies in Northern California. Noah's Wish has participated in this event since its inception and is very well received by attendees.
Left to right - Volunteer Elise Mattison, Coordinator Region 1 Charlie Crosby and Volunteer Mari Donovan
Local area residents love to see the pictures of our recent mobilizations
Charlie Crosby with one of the fair visitors
September 15, 2007, Exeter California
At the personal invitation of the town's Police Chief, Noah's Wish participated in the first Disaster Preparedness Fair conducted in Exeter.The outdoor event was staffed by Cathy Salm, Noah's Wish volunteer, her son Josh and their Katrina dog “Paulie” shown in the picture.
September 15, 2007, Folsom, California - Folsom Disaster Preparedness Fair
Noah's Wish was invited to participate in the second annual Disaster Preparedness Fair hosted by Folsom CERT, police and fire. The fair was attended by over 600 community members, which was a 35% increase over last years attendance. Our booth (see pictures below) was visited by most of those attending the fair, with a great deal of interest in training and volunteering. Participation resulted in a number of positive opportunities for the organization, including a meeting with the Folsom Fire Chief to discuss a collaberative partnership and the local school district to discuss ways we could work together in community outreach events with the students.
Folsom Disaster Preparedness Fair Booth
Donna, El Dorado Hills Office, Volunteers, Tayler and Sherri