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Placer County Wildfire

Tuesday, September 2, 2008 7:00am PDT. Incident closed

Noah's Wish volunteers, Becky Oliver, Kim DeWoody, Mike and Lisa Freer, Rick
Prock and Kevin Oliver, scrambled to staff a temporary shelter setup at Gold
Country Fairgrounds in Auburn CA just 3 hours after being asked to help with
a fire burning in Placer County.
Dry, gusty winds fanned a grass fire that quickly was out of control,
burning one home in its path and mandating evacuations of residents in the
area. At its peak the shelter housed 18 horses, 10 dogs, 2 goats and several
cats and birds. Once winds died down, firefighters gained control of the
blaze and lifted evacuation orders allowing all sheltered animals to be
returned home by midnight.

Monday, September 1st. 2008 4:10pm PDT Placer County Fire

At the request of Placer County Ca Animal Control, Noah's Wish has dispached volunteers to the Placer County Fairgrounds to receive and shelter animals being transported from the scene of a wildfire in Lincoln. 18 horses and 10 dogs are currently being trailered to that location. Heavy winds expanded a small grass fire to an out of control blaze endangering the animals.. The First Response Trailer and needed supplies are being taken to the shelter location.




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