If you are currently seeking help during a disaster or need to report a disaster that has already occurred or is still developing, contact us immediately on 916-939-9474.
OR for after hours, weekends or holidays please call
If you are not faced with an urgent situation also email us at [email protected]
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4288
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762
P: (916) 939-9474
F: (916) 939-9479
E: [email protected]
Noah's Wish Gift List is designed to help the organization acquire items it needs to maintain our programs, while providing donors the opportunity to determine the direction of their gift.
Donors may provide the actual items described below and ship them to us or may contribute towards the purchase of one or more of these items. Gifts may be for the entire purchase price or a portion thereof, just designate where you would like the funds to be used by either selecting "Donate to a Specific Campaign or Disaster" and choosing an item from the drop-down menu or by selecting "General Donation" and entering the information in the "Add Comments About Your Contributuion" section of the donation form during checkout.
Digital Camera - Sony Cyber-shot DSC-W120/P 7.2 Megapixil Digital Camera
Dell 1409X Projector
HP Pavilion DV5T 15.4" Notebook
Dell 2300MP Projector Lamp