Disaster Help

If you are currently seeking help during a disaster or need to report a disaster that has already occurred or is still developing, contact us immediately on 916-939-9474.

OR for after hours, weekends or holidays please call

If you are not faced with an urgent situation also email us at [email protected]

Mailing Address
P.O. Box 4288
El Dorado Hills, CA 95762

P: (916) 939-9474
F: (916) 939-9479
E: [email protected]

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About Us

Who Is Noah's Wish?

Noah's Wish came into existence in 2002, not to duplicate existing efforts to help animals during disasters, but to expand on what was already in place. Too often, efforts to help animals during life threatening situations have been gravely inadequate. We recognize that animals need and deserve an organized, consistent and professionally managed national disaster relief program. They will, otherwise, continue to pay for human indifference with their lives. How animals are managed during disasters is to implement well thought out, field tested policies and procedures that are practiced in all disasters. Relief efforts for people are managed this way and we feel they should be for animals too.

We are not involved in any other animal welfare issues. It's not that we aren't concerned about all the ways animals are abused or exploited, but there are a multitude of national and local animal welfare organizations who are tackling the issues that adversely affect animals.

Katrina (2005)


Our Mission:

The singular mission of Noah's Wish is to save animals during disasters with our rescue and recovery services and to mitigate the impact of disasters on animals through our educational outreach programs.


Our Vision:

An increasing number of animals will be saved as Noah's Wish expands its education, networking and disaster response services across the United States, Canada and in other select international settings. This will be accomplished by: 


What Makes Us Unique?






Copyright © 2002 - 2024 Noah's Wish, Inc., a not-for-profit, 501(c)3, charitable organization. All rights reserved.