Noah's Wish came into existence in 2002, not to duplicate existing efforts to help animals during disasters, but to expand on what was already in place. Too often, efforts to help animals during life threatening situations have been gravely inadequate. We recognize that animals need and deserve an organized, consistent and professionally managed national disaster relief program. They will, otherwise, continue to pay for human indifference with their lives. How animals are managed during disasters is to implement well thought out, field tested policies and procedures that are practiced in all disasters. Relief efforts for people are managed this way and we feel they should be for animals too.
The singular mission of Noah's Wish is to save animals during disasters with our rescue and recovery services and to mitigate the impact of disasters on animals through our educational outreach programs.
An increasing number of animals will be saved as Noah's Wish expands its education, networking and disaster response services across the United States, Canada and in other select international settings.
Commitment, versatility and professionalism, all key traits in Noah's Wish volunteers and coordinators, are richly engrained in the character of our organization's board of directors.
Saving the lives of animals in disasters is still the chief priority of the board, which includes Board Chair Roger Smith, Kevin Oliver, Dr. Lisa Couper, Ranny Green and Amy Maher. Your board brings diversity from the fields of management, law, law enforcement, the fire service, veterinary medicine and journalism; and a willingness to use these varied skills to advance the mission of the organization.
When confronted with the graphic pictures and heart wrenching stories coming from areas devastated by a disaster, people want to know what they can do to help. This is especially true when animals are involved. We all know they are unable to help themselves and depend on us to care for them, especially during stressful situations.
Our unique in-field training program offers individuals a new way in which they can help animals. This program is the only training offered in the United States or Canada that prepares volunteers to respond to disasters by setting up a simulated temporary shelter and giving volunteers the opportunity to experience most aspects of an actual mobilization. What this means for trainees is that they spend the evening on site; sleeping arrangements are generally co-ed and open, where everyone brings their own sleeping bags, cots and/or air mattresses and "camps-out", just as they would do in a real disaster response. Students also must bring enough food, water and gear to "rough it" for the 48 hours of training. The purpose for this simulation is to give potential disaster responders the opportunity to experience what to expect if they deploy with Noah's Wish.
The Need to Prepare is Real. Disasters disrupt hundreds of thousands of lives every year. Each disaster has lasting effects, both to people and property. If a disaster occurs in your community, local government and disaster-relief organizations will try to help you, but you need to be ready as well. Local responders may not be able to reach you immediately, or they may need to focus their efforts elsewhere. You should know how to respond to severe weather or any disaster that could occur in your area - hurricanes, earthquakes, extreme cold, flooding, or terrorism. You should also be ready to be self-sufficient for at least three days. This may mean providing for your own shelter,
first aid, food, water, and sanitation.
Noah's Wish is an advocate of community service and devotes a great deal of time and effort to educating the public on disaster preparedness. The organization frequently participates in Disaster Preparedness Fairs, Disaster Drills and other outreach events aimed at providing vital information about what to do should disaster strike and steps that may be taken in advance to be prepared.
Noah's Wish is proud to be recognized as one of the "Best in America".
Noah's Wish newsletter "Tails from the Ark" is available here